Fox Saliant Studios
Hall of Friends!

Hello there, and welcome to the FSS Hall of Friends!

Below, you can see a list of all the donators and
patrons that we've gotten within' the past few years!

If you're one and you're not on this list,
e-mail me!  I'd hate to think I forgot someone!

If you'd like to donate to us, or become a patron over at,
then you can follow the links above to do so!  Every little bit helps!

The foxes appreciate it!

Donations & Patronage
A. Ree A. Summers Artemis
audiophileKitsune B. Castillo Bushido Bob
camel chacumera Chaotick9
C. Fabinsky Cole doomcup
Dracozon (Bro) Drillkiller DthB4Dshnr
EDB Emdefmek Eric Pim
FerninDT F. Mancini Guri
Hobbsmeerkat J. Horne J. Smith
Jon Helfrich J. Stubbs JWhoof
Karma Kernix Kith
Kubonot Lalilulelo Leif Havens (Dad)
Marcin Martin V Michelle H
Milkie Mystory Nevliasa
Nick Norithics Oogzie
Razor Breeze Runefox Scarlet Rose
Shadesfox Siege S. McPherson
Uncle Carmine Winter Wolfenlord