Various Happenings

  Eddie Stripesocks   
"Concept: Eddie Stripesocks 2010"
May 27th, 2010
As you can see, Eddie's more modern design is starting to form at this point!  Her smaller form is more or less the basis
of what would be Edwina's general look in the first several chapters of Various Happenings,
having permenantly discarded the white "apron" and more complicated aspects of her jumper from the 2009 attempts
in favor of something more akin to her look in the beginning of the 2008 comic, with the addition of an Alice band for flavor.

Big!Eddie, on the other hand, though lacking her birdy sort of accoutraments for now, has taken shape into what
could be considered to be a familiar form of the character and how she would be presented in the early portion
of the tumblr ask blog a few years later.

Though the figures are stretched out and very rough, due to both personal limitations and the limitations of working in a
depreciated version of the beta release of openCanvas, of all things, I think this is one of the first times we can look back
and say I'd definitively decided where the character's design would go.

~Spooky (2023-11-02)

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