Rules and Guidelines!

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Joined: 2024 Apr 01, 09:32
Location: Haunting the Studio
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Rules and Guidelines!

Post by Spooky »

Updated: 2024/04/01

1. Be excellent to one another.
Be cordial and as chill as you can to one another. Do not harass, bully or dox others, on the forum or outside. Keep personal arguments personal and if you need intervention, please message one of the admins or moderators to assist in resolving the situation. Any mistreatment of others on the forum or outside of it, or the committing of crimes (even if they're outside the chat) is grounds for being reprimanded, or banned from the forum entirely.

2. No spamming.
Don't spam or flood the forums (one word posts/topics, constant all caps, link flooding that's not pertaining to the current conversation, repeated posting of similar or identical threads, topics just to say "hi" (especially outside of The Lobby.)) Link dumping in the appropriate areas are allowed, just try and keep on topic and don't go too crazy.

3. Be organized.
Try to keep appropriate content in the appropriate channels. (i.e. questions about commission protocol or upcoming projects go in The Studio, questions or discussion about the comics go in Various Happenings or The Adventures of Clara Cosmos)

4. Act maturely.
Discussions about sensitive topics are allowed, however flamewars and trolling are not. If you aren't able to maturely address things, then you will not be allowed to do so at all. We understand everyone loses their cool once in a while, but repeated incidents without improvement will be reprimanded. While the discussion of such topics is allowed, content promoting marginalizing views is also prohibited, so please refrain from linking such things or ask if you feel the need to present such material. Discussing things such as slurs and other defamatory language in this way is allowed, but the usage of them is strongly discouraged and otherwise prohibited at large.

5. Watch what you post.
Don't post things that are inflammatory, illegal or against the terms of service! Any and all illegal content will be removed immediately, the poster banned and the authorities will be alerted. Adult material and art is allowed, but please refrain from posting any real-life material, as age, consent, consent of distribution, among other things are not easily verifiable. Content from paysites and locked Patreon/SubscribeStar content is prohibited. Please, if you are able, source your links (aggregates and boorus, such as e621, are not sources). Linking to warez or phishing sites, as well as intentionally linking to malicious software is grounds for banning.

6. Please spoiler and use content warnings in consideration of other members of the forum.
We ask that you use spoilers to obscure any visual or written content that might be considered upsetting, disgusting, or that might have a chance to trigger phobias or bouts of PTSD. While we acknowledge and encourage the sharing and creation of "horror" content and other things that may be discomforting as a means of creative expression or documentation (within the previously stated legality and terms guidelines) we are aware that such content may be unpleasant, and furthermore (and more importantly) may have negative effects on those with mental issues related to such imagery or events, up to potentially causing harmful episodes. That is why we ask that you take care in how you post things and be considerate of others.

7. Have fun!

Updated: 2024/04/01

As referred to in Rule #6 above, we ask that you spoiler things in order to avoid surprising people with unpleasant, repugnant or shocking visuals to avoid triggering a harmful episode (and as a general courtesy). The severity of these varies, but we ask that you take such things seriously.

Please use spoilers to hide thumbnails (for pictures or video) and post content warnings for any media that contain any of these things. Even if the thumbnail does not contain any objectionable content but clicking through or playing a video/song does, please post a content warning above it.

Please provide spoilers/warnings for:

Injury/Violence (Minor/Major/Severe)
Physical/Emotional Abuse
Sexual Violence/Assault/Abuse
Animal Cruelty/Abuse
Medical or Dental Procedures
Depictions of Disease & Death (Infections, Mold and Rot, Remains)
Body Modification (Major/Bodily Piercings)
Surrealism/Disturbing Imagery and Content (Facial/Bodily Distortions, Body Horror, Existential Horror)
Jumpscares/Screamers (Do not try and catch people with these, you WILL be reprimanded.)
Scatological/Urological Content

Anyone found to repeatedly ignore these guidelines will be given a warning and further, more severe action will be taken upon failure to adjust. Anyone found to purposefully violating these guidelines in order to harass other users will be removed and banned from the forum.


The rules and guidelines will go here! I'll continue to update them later! o3o
