Fox Saliant Studios!



Yuletide Cheer

Hey there, beeps!

This week we've got an update to The Adventures of Clara Cosmos, if you want to go check that out!  Comics might be a bit slow around the end/beginning of the year, but I'll do my best to keep going.  My main goal, however, is to secure funds for the end of the year, since I have a lot of expenses around the beginning of the year (including my portion of the rent, the payments for the server hosting, my 3-month phone bill, and tax prep.)  The money I've got built up in my SubscribeStar currently should cover the hosting and domain expenses, but I still need to make sure I have what I need for the rest of it.  I'm right on the edge, and couple more SotS will probably do, but I always fret and watch these things hawkishly.

So if a few weeks get skipped I apologize, but I'll still be working on things; just chalk it up to the holidays.  (I'm also going to be taking the holidays themselves and a few days here and there out to just relax and enjoy myself, because I should, frankly.)

So, let's check out the schedule.


Commission List
Year Notice # Client Type Status

Discount Bin
  [Slot #1] - Impossible Events! Doc [Gearbox]
  [Slot #2] - =AVAILABLE=
  [Slot #3] - =AVAILABLE=
  [Slot #4] - =AVAILABLE=

Project Status
Various Happenings  The Adventures of Clara Cosmos 

- VH Page 195 (p.6-31) [Written]
- Create Cast Page
- Create More Bookweaver's Journal Articles


- ClaCos Comic #21 [Complete!]
- ClaCos Comic #22 [In Progress]
- Create Cast Page
- Upload All Posts to Ko-Fi

Weekly Planner
Last Week
Tasks - Upload fifty (50) of my 2024 pieces to galleries (7/50)
- Review and close Discord form (Complete!)
- Complete The Adventures of Clara Cosmos #21 (Complete!)
- Outline/block out ClaCos #22-25 (In Progress)
- Outline/block out VH #195-#199 (Not Started)
- Rework Commission Page (Prices Sorted, Page Under Construction)
This Week
Sunday 12/15 - Weekly Update
- Site Updates
- Uploads
Monday 12/16 - [Stream] SotS Clean-Ups
- [Stream] Bookmarks!
- [Stream] Project Work: Various Happenings
Tuesday 12/17 - Uploads
- Rework Commission Page
- Site Update
- Project Work: Various Happenings
Wednesday 12/18 - [Stream] SotS Clean-Ups
- [Stream] Bookmarks!
- [Stream] Project Work: Various Happenings
Thursday 12/19 - [Stream] Sketch on the Spot!
Friday 12/20 - Vacation Day
Saturday 12/21 - Yuletide (Dicy, Tigre, and Bean's Trip)
Tasks - Upload fifty (50) of my 2024 pieces to galleries
- Complete Various Happenings #195
- Outline/block out ClaCos #22-25
- Outline/block out VH #195-#199
- Rework Commission Page
Next Week
Sunday 12/22 - Weekly Update
- Site Updates
- Uploads
- Project Work: Various Happenings
Monday 12/23 - [Stream] Spooky Draws
Tuesday 12/24 - Christmas Eve
Wednesday 12/25 - Christmas
Thursday 12/26 - Uploads
- Project Work: Various Happenings
Friday 12/27 - [Stream] Sketch on the Spot!
- Post: Various Happenings #195
- Dicy, Tigre, and Bean Return!
Saturday 12/28 - Off Day
Tasks - Upload fifty (50) of my 2024 pieces to galleries
- Complete Various Happenings #195
- Outline/block out ClaCos #22-25
- Outline/block out VH #195-#199
- Rework Commission Page
Q4 2024 December - Upload all of my 2024 pieces to my online galleries (~150 Remain)
- Finish Bookmark Designs (1 of 6 Complete!)
- Update commission page and terms for 2024-2025 (Prices Sorted, Page Under Construction)
- Upload all of my '00s era pieces to Fox Saliant Studios
- Organize online gallery folders
Q1 2025  January - Finalize last two Bookmark Designs (0 of 2 Complete)
Finish my collab with Azure Dreamer
- Update Site Design
- Build up VH and Clara Cosmos buffers
- Prepare FSS Merch for Production (Bookmark Set 1)
February - Design and Print FSS Business Cards
- Merch Designs: Sticker Sets, Character Cards, Postcards/Art Cards
- VH Wallpaper? (AvD)

As I've stated before, I have already settled on commission prices for the new year, I'm just doing a little revamp in the way info is displayed here.  I want to clean up the site a little bit, along with trying something new for the front page, so we'll see how that goes and I'll have all of that hopefully done in the first week or two of January.

I've been putting off some projects (like the bookmarks, and the sequence I'm doing with Azzy) for a while, and I want to prioritize those, as well as getting the comics out faster.  I'm still learning how to juggle everything, with moderate success, but there's still things that need to be done, that once I get them out of the way, I can put more time towards other more on-going things.

I'm getting close to the end of Chapter 6 of Various Happenings, so once we get that done, I'll probably take a little time to get the buffer for Chapter 7 up and do some preparation ahead of time as well as focus down the bookmarks.

I'm also trying to get all my uploads done, it's just very tedious and catching up from as far behind as I was is quite the challenge.  Still, we're getting there!  Rather than being as far behind as I was, we're working to stay caught up, which is somewhat of an improvement.  Still, as I said, these next few weeks will be spotty as I'm going to be doing holiday things in addition to preparing for the new year, so I apologize.  I hope all of you are having a good holiday season, and if not, I hope next year is better.  I know I'm looking on next year with trepedation, but we can make good things out of a bad situation.  We've done it before.

Take care of yourselves, everyone!  A glorious Yuletide to you all, and until next week!


Commission Rules - Commission Submission Form - Discount Bin

  Various HappeningsSupport    
Clara CosmosSupport
    Special Thanks - Header

This Month


(Under Construction)
Useful Stuff

 Commission Info - Redbubble Shop - Stream

Direct (via Stripe) - SubscribeStar - Ko-Fi (The Adventures of Clara Cosmos)

SubscribeStar - The Hall of Friends


All Content © Fox Saliant Studios, 2006-2024, Unless Otherwise Specified